Movie, Photos & Text by colorsmagyoge. Translation by Marika Oshiro/HLNA.



レイキーピークでサーフィンを楽しんでいる中で、いつの間にか源が16歳以下男子アメリカ代表選手であるKai Kushnerと仲良くなり、気付けば毎日一緒に海やスケートパークに行くほどの仲になっていた。

ちょうど同じ歳のこの2人が国境を越えた親友同士となったことで繋がることとなった中村竜とWarren Kushnerも、お互いプロサーファーで現在はビジネスを成功させているという共通点を持つ父親同士として、息子たちから派生したこの縁に何か運命的なものを感じたに違いない。

そんな中、WarrenとKaiのKushner親子が10月末から11月頭にかけてSurfing USAとMoore Aloha財団の仕事で日本を訪れる予定となっていたことから、中村親子と日本を満喫するべくその日程を長めに調節し、今回に至った。

Gen Nakamura & Kai Kushner.


The trigger of this trip goes back to a father-son trip to Sumbawa, Indonesia, that Ryu Nakamura took with his sons, Gen and Koh, this past August.
While enjoying surfing at Lakey Peak, Gen got along with Kai Kushner, a member of the US under-16 boys national team, and they found themselves chasing the waves and going to skatepark together every day before we knew it.
Ryu Nakamura and Warren Kushner, who are both professional surfers and now run successful businesses, got close to each other, thanks to their son’s friendship. They must have felt some kind of destiny in this connection that came from their sons.
After then, Warren and Kai Kushner were scheduled to visit Japan from the end of October to the beginning of November on business for Surfing USA and the Moore Aloha Foundation. so they decided to extend their stay in Japan to go surf with Ryu and his sons to fully enjoy their time in Japan.



When we arrived at the beach, the wind was strong side offshore and the size condition was around the head contrary to our expectations,
While Koh, the second son of Nakamura brothers, was sitting on the beach watching the big waves with his iPhone in hand, and the surf session started right in front of him on the deserted sand bar without anyone.

Ryu & Kou Nakamura.


実際に入ると見た目以上に掘れていてサイズもあり、しかもカレントも右に流れており、いい波を見つけるのが難しそうな中、1本目にチューブをメイクしたのはWarren Kushner。


The waves were hollow more than they looked from the beach, and the current was to the right. While it looks difficult to find good waves, first Warren Kushner made the tube. His backside grab rail with body folded compactly was enough to make me realize the world-class skills he must have naturally acquired at his original home, J-Bay in South Africa.

Warren Kushner.


その息子Kai Kushnerも、風を味方につけたエアリバース、切れ味鋭いリッピング、そしてテールがルースするほどのレイトテイクオフからレールをはめ込んでチューブを駆け抜けるバックサイド・グラブレールと、さすが16歳以下男子アメリカ代表選手らしいスタイリッシュかつスピーディーでハイレベルなライディングを連発した。

His son, Kai Kushner, also made the air reverse, sharp ripping, and the deep backside grab rail and get barreled from the late take off. He was riding at a high level, stylish and speedy, just like the U.S. under-16 representatives.

Kai Kushner.

【シークエンス・オブ・ザ・中村&Kushner親子トリップDAY1】テールがルースするほどのレイトテイクオフからレールをはめ込みチューブを駆け抜けるバックサイド・グラブレール by Kai Kushner



Skater, Gen Nakamura expressed his sense of fun during the session.

Gen Nakamura.


そんな中、Warren Kushnerにして”あの波がこのセッションのベストライドだった”と言わしめたフロントサイド・チューブを決めたのは、ひたすらスペシャルな波を狙っていた中村竜。

ほぼ同時に笑顔で海から上がってきた中村竜とWarren Kushnerが波打ち際で肩を叩き合いながら仲良さそうに話す姿が印象的であった。

Finally, Ryu Nakamura, who had been aiming for a special wave, made a frontside tube that Warren Kushner said was “the best ride of the session”.
Ryu Nakamura and Warren Kushner came out of the water at about the same time with smiles. It was impressive to see them chatting and giving a clap on the shoulder on the seashore.

Ryu Nakamura.

Ryu & Warren.




When I came out of the water after the session, Warren was calling “Mouton, Mouton.” over the phone.
I wondered if Mouton meant Mr. Yukio Muramatsu, the representative of rlmrobber and also a core surfer called “Mouton san”. Seems like he really was, and he told me that he wanted to meet Mouton san for the first time in a long time, since Mouton san was in southern Chiba at this very moment.


現役プロサーファーとしてワールドツアーを転戦していたWarren Kushnerが日本を訪れた際に、ケアしてくれたのが当時オニール・ジャパンのスタッフだったムートンさんだった。


Let’s go back a few decades. As an active pro surfer, Warren Kushner was visiting Japan and was taken care of by Mouton, who was a team member of O’Neill Japan at that time.
Warren had good memories of his time in Japan, and appreciation for Mouton, so he was eager to meet him.

Kai, Warren & Muton.






When we arrived at S&S, the surf shop in Shirasuka where we were supposed to meet, the tables in the back of the shop were crowded with lots of surfers having a drinking party.
According to what I heard, Mouton’s 60th birthday party had actually been held the night before, and the party was still going on.
It was a strange coincidence that Warren had come all the way from the U.S. for the first time in several decades, and that his 60th birthday party was held at the same time.
Mouton san who finally arrived late, and Warren hugged each other many times and brought back their good memories. It was a moving reunion.

Anon Matsuoka.



ムートンさん還暦誕生日パーティーに集結していた大人たちの子供やこのエリアをホームとする子供たちはもちろん、Kai Kushnerや中村源たちがこれを目の前にして我慢できるはずもなく、集合写真と撮った直後に早速キッズたちとのスーパーセッションがスタート。

On the beach in front of S&S, waves around the head came with wind dropping off and the surface improving. Anon Matsuoka, one of Japanese women’s top pro surfers, was already in the water and ripping powerfully.
The kids at Mouton’s 60th birthday party, the kids whose home is this area, and of course Kai Kushner and Gen Nakamura couldn’t help surfing. So they started the super session right after the group photo was taken.

Kai Kushner.







この日この場に居合わせたキッズたちにとって、歳の近い16歳以下男子アメリカ代表選手であるKai Kushnerと同じ海でセッションできたことは大きな刺激となったに違いない。


For the kids who were there that day, it must have been very stimulating to have a session in the water with Kai Kushner, the U.S. under-16 national team member, who is close to their age.The opportunity to see brother Kai, a world-class junior competitor, riding on waves they are used to ride was a great chance for the kids to experience the cutting edge of the world, and that would be a hint to give them a big impact on their surfing growth in the future.








I felt such a wonderful chance and experience for kids came from Warren’s unforgettable gratitude to Mouton san. That connection (縁-ENISHI-) has crossed the decades-long line of time and led to this session. It would not be an exaggeration to say that ENISHI was an important point to pass on to the next generation.

Kai Kushner & Anon Matsuoka.

Ryu, Gen Nakamura & Kai, Warren Kushner.



Nakamura & Kushner’s Day 1 session ended in this way.
Checking the wave forecast, we knew that a new swell would arrive in the next few days with weaker winds.
So, what’s the next wave in DAY2!?





サーフィン・プレビュー/吉田憲右著・泉書房、古都鎌倉ミステリー旅/吉田憲右著・コスミック出版など数々の書籍を発行し、2000年にTRANSWORLD SURFの外部スタッフとなったのをきっかけにメディア界に参入。 2001年から2009年10月まで月刊SURFING WORLDの編集部兼カメラマンとして勤務。 その経験と共に、第1回NSA東日本サーフィン選手権大会Jrクラス3位、2年連続THE SURFSKATERS総合チャンプなどテストライダーとして培ってきた経歴を活かし、サーフィンを軸としたスケートボード、スノーボード、ミュージック、アート全般をひとつのコーストカルチャーとしてとらえ、心の赴くままにシャッターを押し、発信し続ける。 >>>出版物 >>>プライベート撮影問い合わせ